ARCS Advanced Review Copy – Reader Request Form First Name *Email *Instagram Username Twitter Username TikTok Username FetLife Username Reddit Username GoodReads Username Please select which titles you are interested in receiving an advanced reviewer copy for: *A Necklace of Knuckles – Poems about lust, sex, and masochismThe Punishment Diaries – A collection of essays and short stories about domestic disciplineGreys’ Faerie Tales – A collection of dark and smutty fantasy storiesLustcraft Tales of Whores – A collection of monster smut storiesD&S Fitness – A BDSM Romance NovelWere you an ARC Reviewer for The Brat Diaries? YesNoBy submitting this form, you agree not to share the advanced review copy with anyone without the author’s permission. You also agree not to share or post the document anywhere online or reproduce by any means, either partially or in it’s entirety. You may use appropriately credited quotes in your review or other social media content. Please be considerate of the time and effort it takes for me to produce content, and the impact piracy can have on an independent author. *I agreeFollowing receipt of the advanced review copy, you agree to leave an honest review within two months on your platform of choice (GoodReads, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Apple Books, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, FetLife, etc.) *I agreeCommentSubmit